
Chica and the Man came about when Sonia Iris Lozada and Alex Greenwood met on Alex’s podcast Mysterious Goings On. On his podcast, they laughed, joked, and discussed many subjects besides the reason she was there in the first place, to be interviewed regarding her books. They had so much fun that Sonia had Alex on her podcast Poetic Resurrection.  A friendship developed and here we are with Chica & the Man. Check out the podcast.

About Sonia Iris Lozada

Host Sonia Iris Lozada is a poet and performer fascinated with our perceptions of time, history, dreams, psychology, and the metaphysical. Most of all, she is fascinated by interesting people, and it shows. Guests on her podcast, Poetic Resurrection, rave about her warmth, intelligent conversation, and genuine concern for what they have to say.

No doubt Sonia’s success as an actor for both stage and screen, appearing in films such as Out of the Wild and Expired, play a role in her ability to entice guests to share what they know and feel with listeners. Described by casting directors as “a cross between Mae West and Rita Moreno,” the Chicago native is the daughter of hard-working Puerto Rican parents. They were strong people who drilled lessons into her head: never lose your integrity, stay committed to your dreams, and always have a sense of humor about it.

Poetry has always been Sonia’s way of explaining the bi-cultural world around her. The #1 Amazon bestselling author’s publications include Inspire Me: Raw (2017), Follow Akashic Dreaming Through Time (2019), and Inspire Me: Perception (2019). Her upcoming book, the third in the “Inspire Me” series, is entitled Inspire Me: In Time of Need.

Her book Follow: Akashic Dreaming Through Time is currently being adapted for film.

Her Poetic Resurrection – Exploring Perceptions podcast launched in February 2021 with great acceptance. Season 1 is about perceptions and how our beliefs influence our behavior. Season 2 discusses the soul of writing, being, and connection. Season 3 will launch in Oct 2021; this season will be Colors of Life (working title).

You can connect with Sonia on social media

Instagram:     https://www.instagram.com/poeticsonia/

Twitter: @Myst2cal

About Alex Greenwood

Alex Greenwood is a veteran public relations professional with a strong record in marketing, social media strategy, and management consulting. Alex’s mission is to find ways to help his clients solve their public image and marketing challenges by developing successful strategies for reaching new audiences and dealing with adversity.

He is the host and producer of Mysterious Goings On, a weekly podcast about genre writing and creativity, and PR After Hours, a business podcast. Both are available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor, and most podcast aggregators.

His firm, AGPR, has managed PR and marketing strategy for clients in the entertainment, financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, higher education, nonprofit, and government sectors. AGPR is a charter member of Unified Strategies Public Relations Network (USPR), an international network of independent Public Relations and Marketing Communications professionals.

Alex is a speaker and trainer on numerous subjects, including PR, marketing, and publishing. Since 2017, Alex is a regular contributor discussing social media on KCTV-5’s Better Kansas City Show.

He is the author of the acclaimed John Pilate Mystery Series, published by Caroline Street Press. Alex also co-wrote Big Cabin and Dispatches from the West with the late Robert E. Trevathan and Kickstarter Success Secrets, a non-fiction eBook detailing his experience crowdfunding the publishing costs of one of his novels.

He resides in Kansas City, Missouri. You can also find him on most of the usual social media suspects, including Twitter: @A_Greenwood.